Communist Party of Britain addresses 5th Special National Congress of the South African Communist Party

Communist Party of Britain addresses 5th Special National Congress of the South African Communist Party

Member of our Party’s Executive and Political Committees, Comrade Liz Payne, is attending the 5th Special National Congress of our sister party, the South African Communist Party this week.

Here is her fraternal greeting address to the Congress:

“Dear Comrades, Greetings to the South African Communist Party on the occasion of your 5th Special National Congress

The Communist Party of Britain sends our warm greetings and best wishes for every success to the 5th Special National Congress of the South African Communist Party.

We are confident that this Special Congress will be a step forward in reviewing the work of the SACP and strengthening your essential role in building unity for peace, democracy, and socialist advance. Britain plays a major role in the global imperialist system.

Our Party is devoting our efforts in the struggle for peace, against NATO and war, in solidarity with those people worldwide that face imperialist aggression and intervention and against our own ruling class’s complicity in the crimes that are being perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian People.

Like your Party, one of our main priorities is to campaign for an end to the genocide in Gaza and for an independent Palestinian state. We will continue to strengthen our cooperation forged in over a century of joint struggle fighting colonialism, imperialism and racism.

Together we will advocate for communist unity and for an international policy of peace, friendship, and cooperation between all peoples.

We wish your Party every success in building a stronger SACP, developing revolutionary unity and advancing the National Democratic Revolution.

Long live friendship and solidarity between the SACP and the CPB!”

Long live the South African Communist Party!


For further information or to arrange an interview contact Johnnie Hunter, Communications Director,

Communist Party of Britain addresses 5th Special National Congress of the South African Communist Party